Weeks 37 & 38 – This Mess is a Place!

Moving is never easy. Moving into a house that is not finished is even harder. Trying to keep this blog updated? Nearly impossible. My apologies for the delay, and the poorly formatted mess you are about to view. Can’t find the camera. The MAC I normally import and format the photos on is in pieces. Our first night in the new house was Sunday, October 12th. I would like to tell you it was a joyous occasion. It was PURE CHAOS. Couldn’t find Liam’s sippy cups, diapers, or pajamas. Couldn’t find our toiletries, towels, soap, etc. Only condiments in the fridge so we ordered out. We couldn’t put anything downstairs because the floors were scheduled to be cleaned and sealed on Monday. Bad planning on my part. This caused the guest bedroom and dining room to be “catch-all” storage areas so boxes were piled up six feet high. The bed hardware was missing so we slept on our mattress on the floor.
Anyway, over the past week and a half we’ve done some serious digging out, but still have much to do. We have our his and her closets setup, the mattress is off the floor, and the dining room is about 70% clear. Most of that was just moving stuff from upstairs to downstairs, trying to leave three feet around the parameter of each room because the trim hasn’t been installed yet. We’ve also been in a mini-monsoon season, raining almost EVERYDAY, ALL DAY, including the moving day, of course. Because of the rain, a lot of work that was going to get done, didn’t. Still, some construction took place, and here’s a few, poorly formatted pics….
The patio and firepit install is moving along quite nicely. Should be finished by Friday
Liam’s shower got lit up. It looks amazing! It’s also getting a lot of use as we’re still working on the “Spacetub” in the master bath
Forms for the sidewalk got placed. Actually, the concrete supposed to get poured today so I’ll try to get updated pics
>>>>>>>>SPACETUB ACTIVATED<<<<<<<<<>>>>{{{{ENGAGE}}}}}} Actually, there’s a couple of leaks so it will be a few days before my first flight….
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Liam LOVES his new tub! 🙂
Next up:
– Patio work continues
– Landscape lighting gets installed
– Siding work continues (more Chestnut brown finally arrived)
– We need to finish garage door staining and poly
– Continue to unpack
– Continue to paint interior, once we can see the interior from all the boxes