Week 33 – Deadlines

Deadlines. Everyone has them. Either hard or soft, physical or mental, they exist for everyone in some shape, form, or fashion. At the first of September we gave our notice to vacate our apartment, and terminate our storage contract. We informed our contractor of this and told him we had to move in by September 27th. He couldn’t disguise the look of panic. Was it a good idea to put ourselves into a homeless situation in case we don’t get the certificate of occupancy in time? Probably not, but I don’t bluff. We have been living in this apartment for over a year. A project that started in January and was supposed to take 6 months was now into the 9th month. We need the trickle of work to turn into a WATERFALL. Speaking of waterfalls, our landscape company, Artisan, got to work on our landscaping beyond the retaining wall and installed an absolutely beautiful water feature. For the first time our mud pit is starting to feel like a home!
4 days since our last accident
Yes, I’m hoping I don’t need a sign with flip board numbers on it. Other than the theft the construction site has been drama free until Wednesday. The husband and wife team installing our Ikea cabinets started work and were unloading their trailer. A few minutes later the wife runs through the house screaming “Call 911! Call 911! It’s my husband!”. I ran outside to see him lying on his back, blood coming out of his head. His eyes were wide open. He did not blink. I stood there frozen in shock. I thought for sure this guy was dead. One of the floor crew screamed elevate his head, try to find something soft to prop up his head. All I could find was a heavily used drop cloth. They put it under his head and we found a paper towel to put against the wound while my wife talked to the 911 operator. The wife told him to hang on and that help was on the way. A few seconds later his eyes started looking around and he grabbed her hand. He was ALIVE! What was probably about 8 minutes before the first responders arrived seemed like an hour. The husband didn’t know where he was at, but didn’t want to be lying down, and tried to get up. We told him he had a wound to the head and that he could do some serious damage if we moved so he calmed down.
After the 1st responders arrived they stabilized him and the ambulance arrived a few minutes later. They carted him off with the wife in-tow. We looked up their car and trailer and attempted to get back to work. Everyone in that house was emotionally exhausted. It’s crazy how much empathy and emotion can be spilled over someone you’ve only spoken to a handful of times. I knew he was a really cool guy, had several children and a wife that depended on him, and that he was way to young to die. It was hard to work. It was hard to hold back the tears I felt, not only for him, but for his family.
We sent texts to his wife keeping tabs on him and she said he was alert and responsive, and was going to be ok, but the doctors were going to run several tests. Now that he was going to be OK we assumed there would be some serious recover time and were scrambling to find another carpenter to finish the job. You can imagine our surprise when the wife AND the husband showed up at the house on Thursday evening! He had a couple of staples in his head but was completely cleared by the doctors! No concussion. Nothing broken. He said he wasn’t even sore. How did it happen? We’re not sure. The security camera was blocked by the trailer door but you could see his feet standing up and then quickly going toes up. At first the doctors thought seizure, but tests were negative. Fainted? Possibly. Either way, when they showed up on Friday to work the wife never let him out of her site. As you’ll see from the pics, they do GREAT work, even though it is not quite finished and adjusted.
The whole house is cork. Are we CRAZY?????
The big job this week was the cork install. We did every bedroom, every closet, and every public area in Millstead cork. Only the bathrooms have tile. The cork install went smooth. It feels great and sounds great. I only got one pic because we covered it with Ram Board almost immediately after we installed it. I’m not second guessing anymore. It’s installed, and it looks great. I just don’t understand why EVERYONE doesn’t use this stuff??? Time will tell on how it holds up. We’re keeping a few boxes of replacement planks just in case we run into issues. I’ll update next year. On to the pics:
Dumpster is finally on the street so I can get a good shot of the South elevation, with newly trimmed 14″ beam at the garage. Love that symmetry!
The area to the east of the retaining wall received some beautiful landscaping. The KUB meter stands out like a sore thumb but at least it is not on the house. The shrubs will soon conceal it
Another shot of the landscape but now with the beautiful port-a-potty in view! 🙂
The gorgeous newly installed waterfall!
The water actually starts from a stream above it
Another view of the waterfall. It is pretty loud but you can still carry a conversation over it easily
Still missing some rocks on the south end. The landscapers will be back out in force on Tuesday
View of the landscape to the road
Turquoise patio door
View of the painted trellis from the east
Waterfall “spring”
The landscapers wanted to create a natural looking “spring”. I think they did a tremendous job. It’s going to look GREAT when finished!
Another view of landscape
Our first flowers! 🙂
North elevation
Half-wall receives some Eichler siding
Flooring is completely covered with Ram Board
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The glow of the front door laminated windows
The chunky shelves in the half-wall. The plan called for some Ikea cabinetry but the wife really liked the built-in shelves in our last house so she designed this. It’s built with 2x10s so it can hold anything. Yes, it will eventually be one color. There was a supporting bracket on it during the first pass of paint
The beautiful mitered Artisan Hardie siding
The miter corner will eventually get finished when more siding arrives
Close-up of the tricky master bedroom window corner
The deck received some 8″ Artisan Hardie planks. We LOVE not being able to see under the deck
Another view of the half-wall with Eichler siding
The only pic of the cork, and it’s covered in dust…
The baking and pantry area is taking shape
Another view of the pantry area with a couple of handles installed. The protective film is still on. It probably won’t come off until we move in
Kitchen cabinets almost finished
Another view of the kitchen with the built-in fridge cabinet. They had to custom shorten the cabinet above the fridge so everything would line up
That patio door….
The now AMAZING waterfall view outside the dining room/playroom
The flip side of the half-wall. There will be an Ikea cabinet installed later
Up next:
Kitchen install continues
The sparkies start hooking up all the plugs. Right now only two are temped in
The hood vent gets installed
The fixed glass is scheduled to be installed! (I’m skeptical)
The wife and I go on a painting frenzy
The home theater screen gets trimmed out
Garage, sidewall, and driveway gets poured (it’s on the schedule, but once again, I’m skeptical