Week 11 – We have a (sub)floor!

Week 11 saw a second framing crew and they got to work fast! Most of the basement has been framed out and the floor is installed. The stairs down to the basement have not been put in yet so there is a big hole in the floor. The retaining wall between the finished basement and crawlspace caused us to make some decisions on how to remove inches from various rooms, hallways, and the stairs themselves to make up for the lost inches. (about 5.5″) We ended up with 40″ stairs, 40″ hallway and the remaining inches deducted from the rooms. The silver lining? The closets got expanded so everything would line up.
Glu-lam beams
Gorgeous Douglas-fir 4×4 and 4×6 posts to hold the beams
Another closeup of the Douglas-fir posts
Subfloor gets installed!
The planter is looking like a hardened safe room
Garage wall has taken some abuse!
Hopefully, garage pour and framing covers all of this up
Hole for stairwell. Notice the protruding retaining wall. This is the amount of variance we have to account for
Liam’s bedroom window has a lovely, private view
Laundry room window (I think)
This will eventually be a very cool set of windows 18 inches high x over 10 feet wide. Now that we see where the window is in proximity to the neighbors we are going to change the window order to “obscured” glass as it would look right into the bathroom shower.
South part of garage wall
South view of guest bedroom. You can see the subfloor detail well here
West elevation showing (left to right) the laundry window, Liam’s bath window, and Liam’s bedroom window
West elevation showing protruding glu-lam beam
West elevation almost completely framed
Framing detail in basement. Look at that HUGE beam! We elected to use (2) 2x4s instead of the expensive 4×4 posts here to save money, since they are behind a wall and you can’t see them
Detail of massive beams and the joined 2×4’s
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North elevation showing beautiful Glu-Lam beam
West side of North elevation showing other side
Staircase access and basement framing
Detail of the gorgeous beams. The plan calls for paint, but I’m not sure I can paint these!
Close-up detail of beam
Detail showing how beams are attached
Framing detail
BIG header!
Another view of beam and framing
View of pantry and living room framing
Liam’s playroom and dining room combo starting to take shape
East elevation view of living room framing
Detail of kitchen side entry door
Detail view of Liam’s playroom beam and framing
Another view of playroom beam framing
Playroom beams
Still plenty more framing to go!
Next week should see more walls and possibly the roof trusses starting to get installed!
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