The Architect Is Coming!/It’s Just A Clock

Hi! How have you been? Good I hope? Me? Just living the dream. Living the dream so good that I’ve completely abandoned the blog. (again) I mean, technically, this was a “construction blog” and the house is pretty much done, so I didn’t really feel the need to update until we got the “grand reveal” […]
Ice, Ice Baby! (Too Cold, Too Cold)

Jeez….I guess this is what they mean by winter coming in like a lamb and going out like a lion! I remember hosting our first family Christmas in the new house and walking around outside, standing on the deck, etc. It was “sweata weatha” as they say on SNL. Many days in January were close […]
Weeks 39-51 Abandoned blog! Abandoned blog!

Ugh…Don’t you just HATE when you get invested in someone’s build blog, follow their weekly process, live through the triumphs and sorrows with them then……NOTHING! You wait and you wait. You check back daily. Hell, let’s be honest, you check back HOURLY! NOTHING! What happened??? Did they die in a fiery crash? Did aliens abduct […]
Weeks 37 & 38 – This Mess is a Place!

Moving is never easy. Moving into a house that is not finished is even harder. Trying to keep this blog updated? Nearly impossible. My apologies for the delay, and the poorly formatted mess you are about to view. Can’t find the camera. The MAC I normally import and format the photos on is in pieces. […]
Week 36 – Cooking With Gas

I always seem to be a little early with the post names. Last week was “Let There Be Light”, and there was light, but only from about two fixtures. Now ALL of them are up. This week, it’s “Cooking With Gas” because our range got installed, and KUB swung by and set the meter. Unfortunately, […]
Week 34/35 – Let There Be Light

Light indeed. Both physically and metaphorically. Light in the form of the sparkies (Our contractor’s term for electricians) connecting fixtures, light in the form of the plywood getting swapped out for real glass, and light at the end of the tunnel. We are SO CLOSE to moving in! We had actually set this weekend for […]
Week 33 – Deadlines

Deadlines. Everyone has them. Either hard or soft, physical or mental, they exist for everyone in some shape, form, or fashion. At the first of September we gave our notice to vacate our apartment, and terminate our storage contract. We informed our contractor of this and told him we had to move in by September […]
Week 32 – Cool and Secure

It was a ridiculously busy week! So much so that my pics kinda suck, and I can’t even think of a clever title. Continuing from the week 31 “No stain, No gain” blog I FINALLY finished all the main level doors yesterday. What a fricking job! We still have five more doors downstairs, but compared […]
Week 31 – No Stain, No Pain

Unfortunately, there is a LOT of stain, and sanding, and wiping, and polyurethane, so there is a LOT of pain! Other than picking up the hundreds of plastic bottles, snack wrappers, and fast food bags left over from the subs our first manual labor for our house came in the form of staining the windows […]
Week 30 – How now BROWN house?

Yep, we have brown house. Not sure how it got that way because it is not my favorite color, nor my wife’s. I guess we could blame the Architect? Either way, it is looking AMAZING, and I couldn’t be happier with the color choice. Actually, we love it so much it’s hard not to go […]